The Society for Anomalous Studies
A Paranormal Research and Investigation Cooperative
Over the years the members of the Society for Anomalous Studies have had the opportunity to investigate some well known haunted locations in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. While we generally work with historical societies and owners of historically significant properties, we occasionally conduct private investigations at homes and businesses.
Periodically we will be posting samples of our evidence so visitors to our website can get an idea what we find during investigations. We have posted four evidence segments below from investigations done in 2019 and 2020. Our evidence samples can at times be long because we feel that just posting a short EVP out of context does not tell you much about an investigation. We want you to see how we investigate and how evidence can comes through.
Please note that we have been given written consent to share evidence from any private investigation we post to this website and to our Facebook page. This evidence is the property of the Society of Anomalous Studies and cannot be duplicated or used by any party not specifically noted in the Information Release forms signed for each investigation. Thank you.
Below are pieces of evidence SAS has captured during the past year. We recommend that you wear headphones when viewing the clips as some of the audio is very fast and some is whispered. We have added text to each video so you will have an idea of where things were happening and what to expect. Please contact us with any questions you have about any of these clips.